House of GoldHouse of Gold is a movie produced by Yvonne Nelson and directed by Pascal Amanfo. It stars Majid Michel, Yvonne Nelson, Ice Prince Zamani, Omawumi Megbele, Eddie Watson, Francis Odega, and Luckie Lawson. House of Gold is a production of Media GH and it is scheduled to premiere, April 2013

Dab Ansah Williams, a high flying entrepreneur/business mogul, polygamist and socialite, is battling with cancer and has 6 weeks left to live according to medical practitioners. With the help of his long time associate and legal representative, he embarks on a mission to call all his children back home – most of whom were born out of wedlock and various illicit affairs.

The reunion proves a little more than everyone bargained for as each child returns with an agenda, setting the stage for the most hilarious and bizarre 7 days of their lives. At the end, they realize that there is just too much for too many.


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